Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 27, 2014 Giving Thanks....

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'd like to give thanks to my Teddy Bear, Teddy. He's one of my favorite toys, you know. He keeps all the monster and aliens away that I believe in. Especially the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who.

Me and my teddy bear...

I'm also grateful for my Mommy and Daddy. Because I love them very much. My Mommy makes dinners and lunches and breakfasts. She does my blog with me. I help her at the store. And she helps me with my stories.

I'm thankful for my Daddy because he pays for all the special things we do. Especially the TV. I'm grateful that he does that because it's one of my favorite things to do. He also fixes stuff like my broken glasses. (Which of course I just broke again.)

I'm also grateful for my soft comfy bed. It keeps me warm at nights. Helps me rest my eyes. And helps me grow when I'm sleeping. It's also just comfy to lay on.

I'm happy about my creative mind. It helps me build forts in my room.

I'm grateful for my big brother and my big sister. When I was a little kid, my brother Brad took me to 2 movies, Iron Man and Avatar. I still have the picture we took at the Iron Man Movie! And I'm grateful for Meggie because she takes me to hockey games. I HEART hockey!

They only thing I'm grateful for my sister, Lilly is because she plays games with me.

And my Grandma and Grandpa? I'm grateful for them because they watch me while Mommy and Daddy are doing stuff. Like tomorrow night! Of which I can't wait! I get them all to myself!!

I'm also thankful for my Grandmama. She visits us almost every summer. She takes me places like Connors and the movies. Me and her went to the movies twice.

I'm grateful for ballet. It keeps me busy on Wednesdays. It helps me calm down and helps me think for my things for my stories.

I'm grateful for my little puppy dog! He's so cute and fuzzy. And apparently he's the only pet in the house right now. The fish died. RIP, little fishy....(Lilly cried but it didn't really matter to me that much.)

I'm grateful for the house we live in. Where else would I build my forts?? Not outside! It's too plain cold!

I'm grateful for the rest of my family. Of course they live all over the U.S.A. And some live up here. I have A LOT of relatives...

All in all, I'm just thankful that we have a nice place to live in and a nice planet to live on.

I salute you, America!!!!

William Carl Benz

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25, 2014 We separated the "H2" from the "O".....

Welcome back, everyone! It is near the Nutcracker, so if you have enough money, please go!

So, in other words, it's a good ballet! Anyway...let's move on to the stuff I'm supposed to blog about...

Ok, so....we did an experiment that separated water. But, the water didn't really go away, it was still there. The hydrogen atoms just stuck to the end of the pencil (graphite). Graphite is an electrical conductor. Here is some pictures of what we did. Then I'll explain. 

The separation of hydrogen and oxygen in water is called Electrolysis. Electrolysis is "Physical Chemistry. the passage of an electric current through anelectrolyte with subsequent migration of positively and negatively charged ions to the negative and positive electrodes." (Source from

We got a 9 volt battery and attached bald electrical wire to the anode and cathode, or in other words, the positive and negative parts of the battery. We sharpened 2 pencils on each end and shoved them through a piece of thin cardboard. We placed that in a glass of water, salt water to be exact. Then we attached the wires are were attached to the battery to the graphite on the pencil parts sticking out of the water. After some adjustments, we finally got it to work. THERE WERE HYDROGEN BUBBLES ON THE END OF ONE OF THE PENCILS THAT WAS IN THE WATER!!! Hydrogen was collected around the cathode or the positive charged pencil. The other pencil had chlorine gas bubbles form because a secondary chemical reaction happens in experiments like this one. The oxygen atoms combine with the salt in the liquid and get stuck. They form hydroxyl ions. And well, that's pretty much all I got on this. But, it was a pretty COOL chemistry experiment..

This is Mom's little bird friend. It's a mourning dove. They are called that because their cry is very sad. He hangs out on our deck. He even sleeps under the chair that's on the deck. We think he's doing that because he's hurt. Either that, or he just likes us....

Me on the tread mill. I listened to Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.

Anyway, see ya later, alligator! I've got other work to do. 

Stay tuned 'til next time!


P.S. I'm writing a story called, Once, Twice, 3 times the Imagining. Coming to a blog near you!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 18, 2014 A snowy update....

It's really deep outside! Everything is completely colorless. It's completely white! I cannot wait to get in it. It's so fun! We're just waiting for it to slow down a bit. And I'm jealous because Little Rock, AR is getting sunshine!!!!! And I don't like the sun that much, but I would like some color.

We gonna watch a movie until it slows down a bit out there.....I recommend not going outside if you're in this area. If you have sensory issues like me, you'll get a headache. can barely see anything!!!!

I'll update later.

p.s. - I'm going to have a snowball fight with Lilly!!!

We are behind the "wall" of snow. Buffalo (front of photo) has none!

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014 Who's afraid of the big, bad polar vortex??

Basically, the polar vortex is the cold air coming to visit us from the North Pole - where Santa is!

The polar vortex is always there.
The media
 just uses it as a buzz word. They are just
 trying to sensationalize the weather to
 make it seem worse than it is. When this
is just what is supposed to happen now.

Nobody should be afraid by the phrase,
 "POLAR VORTEX" . It just means
 it's winter....

So. If it snows. don't stress out! Be prepared! Stay home, and stay warm. If you have plans, bundle up tight and keep warm. Don't drive in white cars because people won't be able to see you and they will crash into you. Drive in a black or red car, people can see them.

Me? I'm going to get my long johns out!  They keep me warm in bed! Tomorrow, if it snows, I can make a snow man!


See ya later!!! We have more work to do....

p.s. We moved my desk into the living room!!!

I like it here!

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014 Hey, guess what?!?

Well, due to the last blog, a fellow blogger Angel the Alien, wrote the same kind of thing her kind of way. I think it would be good for people to read it because it shows no 2 people with Autism are alike. Basically, that makes everybody the same! All people are different. Like, for an example...somebody with light skin and somebody with dark skin. Their skins aren't alike. But, inside their bones are the same, the muscles are the same and every other body part that the skin holds are the same. And it doesn't make them strange, just makes them unique!!

And that came from the top of my head!!!

Read this blog and maybe even comment..

Salute, soldier!

Friday, November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014 This is Autism

I found this video. Some of it describes William. But, some doesn't. This just goes to show how Spectrum People are different...kind of like all of us. :)  William will follow with his observations. Thanks for following... Oh, video is only 3 minutes long - please view.

1: florescent lights: Imagine walking in a building where the buzz of florescent lighting is almost deafening.

William: Not at all! I don't even hear it! In the Sabres building, the little lights I walk past don't really bother me. The big wall lights don't bother me either.

2: Imagine not being able to read the facial expressions of others.and as a result, you have no idea what they are thinking or feeling.

William: I'm 50/50. Half the time, I know what they are feeling, half the time I don't. For an example, if someone looks calm (to me) but is mad, I can't tell what they are really feeling. 

3: Imagine that someone is trying to talk to you in a noisy store, but you can not focus because all the voices blend together.

William: This doesn't bother me either. Noise makes me anxious and want to go home. If there are a lot of people around me, I feel like I'm stuck in a door frame - it's all tight.

4: Imagine taking a shower, but the water hurts. In fact it feels like getting caught in a hail storm.

William: No way, Jose! But, some cloth really itches me and feels weird. Some knits feel like steel wool. Tags in my clothes itch. I hate people touching my hair. It kind of hurts my nervous system. And it makes me want to throw the nearest projectile. Cold water still kind of bothers me, but I'm getting better with it. Extreme cold like snow still makes me cry like a baby. It stings like a bee sting. 

5: Imagine all your friends have learned to ride a bicycle, but for you it's still too difficult.

William: This is definitely me! DEFINITELY!!! When I ride a bike, it feels like I'm out of control of my legs and I can't direct signals from my brain to my legs.

6: Imagine that you are constantly in trouble at school because your teachers don't understand high functioning autism. They don't know the difference between misbehavior and a meltdown.

William: This is kind of what happened in regular school. Like when we were writing (in public school), if everyone was making noise and I couldn't concentrate, I would have a meltdown. My teacher wouldn't even notice i was even aggravated. The cafeteria lady yelled at me because I had a meltdown. 

7: Imagine being the only one in your grade who didn't have friends.

William: This is me. There were some guys I liked to talk to, they would kinda talk to me - like say Hello. I don't know if the kids were being mean to me, or if they were taking advantage.

8: Imagine not being able to get jokes, figures of speech or sarcasm.

William: I get jokes, but I'm just beginning to understand sarcasm. And I understand idioms!!!

9: Imagine living everyday feeling like you are living in a strange and hostile world..

William: No way! The world is just fine to me. Lilly (twin sister)is the only hostile person I know. 

Mom: William is quirky. We can't deny that. Sometimes I wish I still saw the world as black and white as he does. Most times, he can't relate to kids his age. Sometimes he gets really frustrated over what most would think of as dumb stuff. Sometimes he does things in public that make people cringe - and sometimes he states his observations - aloud - not thinking what the implications might be. Sometimes, ok a lot of times, he gets stuck on a subject AND YOU MUST LET HIM FINISH HIS THOUGHTS!!!!! Drives him nuts if you don't.

I don't get it. I look at my 4 kids, and they all have idiosyncrasies. Don't most kids? Don't most adults?? So can't we just treat Aspies like NT people? What makes this group stand out? Because they do. I just don't know why - just can't put my finger on the one thing that would make it all make sense...

Oh well, I'm rambling. Sorry - you all don't come on here to listen to me....anyway....

William is working on a new Penguin story - so -


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4, 2014 Nicholas Nickleby Synopsis of Part 1.

So far, I like this book. The characters are fascinating. I think Charles Dickens was true to his time period. There were nasty and pathetic people. Like Nicholas's mother. She was pathetic and helpless. Nicholas is a nice character. He helps Smike and overall is a good person. 

Most important characters:

Nicholas Nickleby: Honest, young, loyal and often hotheaded.

Kate Nickleby: Nicholas's sister, similar qualities to Nicholas, but more demure. She is very pretty.

Catherine Nickleby: Their Mother, a widow. Often serves as a comic relief. She was flippy. Nicholas and Kate had to take care of her.

Ralph Nickleby: Their uncle. He is a villain - a bad guy - crook. And a cheapskate.

The Squeers: They run Dotheboys Hall - a "school" for boys. They beat the boys and basically steal all their money. And they have a "learning system" is actually just a way to make the boys do all the work. They really don't run a school, it's more like a work house.

Smike: Secretly, Nicholas's cousin, Ralph's son. He works at Dotheboy's and get beaten more than the other kids.

Part 1

This book (movie) is a dark story written by Charles Dickens. Some of it is kind of funny, but it's starts with a sad beginning as Nicholas' Dad dies.

Nicholas must make some money in order to pay the bills. His father left them no money. The family goes to London and seek out their uncle. His uncle gets him a job working for Dotheboys Hall. Apparently, the headmaster and his family are mean. Nicholas does not agree with the way the boys are treated, or the way they treat Smike. Nicholas beats up Mr. Squeers before Mr. Squeers can beat up Smike. Both boys run away. But, Squeers daughter accuses Nicholas of stealing a ring (Her love for him was unrequited.)

The boys ran away to London. They get work at a theater run by the Crummies. The Crummies are okay to Nicholas and Smike. They let them work in the theater and got to act in Romeo and Juliet. Nicholas was Romeo.

Kate got fired from her job at the hat factory because the lady she worked for didn't like her. The lady was jealous of Kate because Kate was prettier. After that, her uncle wanted her to house-keep for him during a party. (Be a hostess) When she got there she realized it was an all male party. She felt tricked and uncomfortable.

Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014 STORY SPECIAL

Lilly of Bossy Pants
Queen Lilly of Bossy Pants
By William Carl Benz

In a town called Bossy Pants, the Queen Lilly was a little too bossy over all the guards. And today she was particularly she was more bossy than usual.

Apparently, she was having a baby. It was to be a boy. She wanted a girl. This made her feel angry – really angry. She was angry because the doctor made a mistake. He couldn't tell it was a girl or a boy in the x-ray. So he lied and told her it was a girl. And when the baby was born she was incensed to see that it was a boy! She didn't like boys because she liked to be powerful and she was afraid a boy child would take over.

The boy's name was William, the 1st. As the boy grew up, he was very kind. He was nice to the guards, and reassured them that the Queen won't hurt them. She was a bit out of control. And he gave them actual insurance to take care of their families.

She was being mean by firing them, making them cry, and chasing them around. She was mean to everyone in Bossy Pants. Nobody liked her. She also did one more thing that was bad; she would lure unsuspecting tourists into the ice cold water – off of a cliff!!!! Now, isn't that being dangerous and mean?!? Who wants to take a bath in ice cold water! Not me!!

She wasn't really mean to William 1st, she just ignored him.

So one day, when William was an adult. He challenged his mother to a dual. Now, William had a couple tricks of his sleeve. He had made a secret organization to take down his Mom.

The dual began. William was winning in the beginning. His mother began to gain on him. And when it seemed that he would lose, he pushed a secret button on his watch. It made the whole castle go on lockdown. A whole lot of machine guns were pointing at the Queen. She surrendered.

And thus, the prince gave his mother a taste of her own medicine. He pushed her off the cliff into the icy waters. It made her into an ice cube! The queen was defeated. And now her icy statue stands in the middle of the lake inside an iced container of the secret organization.

By the way, the secret organization was called A.R.R.O.W. It doesn't really stand for anything, it just wanted to get rid of the queen.

Mission Accomplished!!!

The End (until she defrosts – dun, dun, dun………….)

October 31, 2014 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Or why do we celebrate this silly holiday! In a nutshell...

I did this all by myself!
Happy Halloween, Everybody!!!


Well...I hope you all had a nice Halloween morning! So, did you ever wonder where Halloween came from?

Halloween originated probably in Ireland. It was called Samhain. People believed that the day before Samhain, the dead would return as ghosts. And people would put wine and food on their porches to keep the roaming spirits at bay. They would wear masks to be mistaken as fellow ghosts. 

We found a video that explains the rest...

I think Halloween is a nice holiday to either get a trick or a treat. Halloween is the beginning of the holiday season, so it's one of my favorite holidays. I think we shouldn't have to go to school today! 

I'm going to be The Rocketeer for Halloween.  I was the Rocketeer before, so I'm making a comeback!!! Meggie is taking me tricks or treating. We are going to see THE TARDIS!! first. I'm excited about that!!! 

Last night, I went to a Sabres game with Meggie! Drew got a point on his birthday yesterday. Meggie got a Subway card. We lost...:(
But, at least I had fun!

That's all for now! P.s. Exclusive up next!!!!! 2 in 1 story!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014 Short Debate against Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power - Against

Here are reasons why nuclear power should not be used.

  •  Chernobyl became a waste land because of nuclear power. There was a plant meltdown and the number 4 generator went KABOOM. This happened in 1986 and the land today still can't be used. It is radioactive. I suggest you don't go there.

  • There was a Japanese nuclear plant accident in 2011. It was in Fukushima. The environment became radioactive. The fish in the water died from the nuclear waste. The persons that would eat the radioactive fish would die too.

  • My number 1 reason why nuclear power should not be used it that we don't have it under control yet. And when you don't have it under control, you are going to have problems. 


Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9, 2014 The Political Ramblings of a 9 year old.....

First, Happy Birthday Aunt Karen!!!

My thoughts on politics by William Carl Benz

Why in the world has the President let people with Ebola into the states?? I have no idea why the President isn't stopping the people with Ebola from coming to the U.S. Try closing the borders! That will help. But, it wouldn't be forever, we would just be until it is under control. Either he let them in, or he didn't know they came in. Now he says there is only a small chance of an Ebola outbreak. Really, Obama? I think there is more than a small chance because they really don't know how it spreads. And I'm getting a little concerned about this because if this goes on for a little longer, there won't be another person to be President.

I think the government is deliberately trying to destroy America with this. If America survives through this, the American should elect a whole new government. I think this government is going down the charts. And soon, there will be no more free country in the world. If Obama and Congress don't see this, then I think they should be kicked out of Capital Hill.

If I were involved and I had a lawyer, and Obama was out of office, I would go to his house and tell him what was wrong and maybe sue him. Because, then I would be standing up for my favorite country in the world. Maybe then, he would see what he did wrong. Congress? You, too.

The government is also doing one more little thing that makes me want to blow my top off! The government is letting the people that came here illegally have stuff we have to pay for. Now, that's just stupid wrong! They are here illegally. Try getting them tickets back to where they came from. Then we wouldn't have any illegal people here. They should come in the country the right way and become official citizens of the U.S.A.

This is the end of a very brief blog. I wrote this blog because I felt that people are doing things wrong!

Penguin Man book coming out tomorrow.

William Benz signing off for now.


Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014 Discord in Alaska

Book IV – Part 2 Discord in Alaska

Dr. Walrus was excited this time of year because all his brother walruses were piling up on the beach and he paid them a visit every once in a while. There were about 30,000 walruses on the coast. They were all there for Christmas.

The good guys were trapped in the Dr. Walrus's Alaskan base. The bad guys were getting ready to start phase 2 of The Fox's plan to take over the Alaskan Pipeline. The bad guys had just left when Penguin Man noticed that Walrus left his disintegrating gun behind. He picked it up and disintegrated the cage floor. As soon as all the good guys were out of the cage (and boy were they glad to get out – it was getting cramped in there!) they ran toward the door and made their vehicles come. And then they drove off to save the day.

When they got to the pipeline, they noticed that they were there before the bad guys. So they took a little tour of the factory where all the gas and oil are made.

When the bad guys got there, they snuck by the good guys and went into the bosses office. The good guys heard the bosses girly scream – IIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!  The bad guys had shot the boss with a fainting dart. They looked all over the place and found a secret button under his desk. The secret button opened a trap door that led down to another door. They had to pull Dr. Walrus through the door because he was so fat! And just in time, too!!!

When the good guys got to the bosses office, they saw that the boss fainted. And then they heard something quickly shut close. Before looking for what closed, they woke the boss up. Penguin asked the boss his name. He said his name was Brad. Brad told Penguin that there was a trap door that led to the control room of the Alaskan Pipeline!!!
Top left is the good guys coming into the office, the middle picture is the bosses desk with the button to open the secret door and the picture next to it is the boss (Brad) who fainted and the last picture is Dr. Walrus saying, "Get me out!" and The Fox scratching his head and Mr. Koala and Cyber Husky 

When they got down there, they saw the bad guys fidgeting with the controls. And The Fox used his voice disguiser to speak in the microphone to tell all the employees that they had the day off for Christmas. As soon as all the confused employees were gone, the bad guys started their maniacal plan.

Just then, the good guys burst into the room.  When the fight started, the good guys had an ace up their sleeve. Literally, they had something up their sleeve – Penguin's sleeve, in fact. You see, Penguin Man took Quantum Mechanics. He made himself a weapon beyond imagining. Do you want to know what it is??? It was a giant quantum cannon that also held a quantum field so it could fit up Penguin's sleeve.

He got out his quantum cannon and started shooting rays at the bad guys. The rays turned the bad guys into little cubes. This will make it easier to transport them back to Buffalo Prison.  (Don't worry, pour a little water on them and they'll be back to normal).

Penguin man said, "Hmm….like little blocks of ice, but not very good at cooling water!"

As soon as the bad guys were on their way back to Buffalo, Kiwi, Joe, Cleaver and Voltaire finished up their vacation. They went back to the airport, said good-bye to Voltaire and all went back to their homes in Australia, Russia and Buffalo. 

Meanwhile, at Buffalo Prison, Mayor Megan helped the prison guards rebuild the walls and get the other prisoners back into their cells. Mayor Megan also closed up the Walrus's lair, which again was underneath city hall.

The bad guys were placed back in their cells, and water was sprinkled on them, Dr. Walrus yelled, "Aw, com'on already!"

Once again, the day is saved by Penguin Man and Friends!!! (queue in music)

Book 5 – Mamba in Mexico 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014 Part 1 of 2 - Something's afoot.....

The Adventures of Penguin Man – Book IV, Part 1
Something's afoot in Alaska

Kiwi, Joe, and Cleaver had just arrived in Alaska to see the Northern Lights. Their friend Voltaire invited them for a ski trip. He has a cabin on top of the snowy mountains.

When they got out of the airport, they hailed a taxi. As soon as they got to the monorail, they gave the guard their tickets for the monorail and went up to Voltaire's home.  His cabin isn't much. He has a couple bedrooms, a couple bathrooms, a kitchen, a huge living room and a dining room. Everything is on a mountain except the living room. The living room so big it went all the way to Mount McKinley! So he always has a good view of the northern lights, especially because he has retractable roof. And the skiing? The mountain was tall enough that they could have lots of fun skiing! He built ramps and obstacles around his backyard pond. One of the ramps was made so you could jump right over the pond! If you didn't make the jump, you would take a little swim.

After they had some fun, Voltaire ordered some pizza and they all enjoyed a nice movie. They had some hot cocoa and they were all in bed by 9:00 pm. They had a day full of fun!

Meanwhile, back in Buffalo – home of Penguin Man; Dr. Walrus, Mr. Koala and Cyber Husky were hatching a plan to escape. They waited until midnight to make their move. All the guards went home. The prison was left locked down.

When the bad guys saw that the last guard left, Dr. Walrus got out his disintegrating ray and disintegrated the wall between the court yard and their cell. Then, he disintegrated the court yard wall. Then they were free!! Uh-oh!!

They went to Dr. Walrus's lair and got their disguises and weapons. Believe it or not, his lair was under city hall!

They all got on Dr. Walrus's private helicopter and flew to Alaska. As soon as they got to Dr. Walrus's Alaskan base, they went and searched for The Fox – a wanted criminal in Alaska and Canada. The Fox was known for his evil plans to steal all the gas and oil from the Trans-Alaskan pipeline. That would make him stinking rich!!!
When the found him, The Fox told them his plan. And they all agreed to help him.

The next morning – Christmas day – the good guys all woke up to see a lot of reporters outside. It would take a dragon to get the reporters out of their way and off the mountain. They were invading Voltaire's private property because they were there every morning trying to get Voltaire on the news. But he always refuses. He's kind of shy.

The good guys got rid of the reporters by scaring them away with Voltaire's holographic dragon. It's his pet!

After the reporters were finally gone, the good guys made themselves some Christmas breakfast pizza. And also made some coffee. They flipped on the news. They were very surprised to see the bad guys on the T.V. news! The bad guys were on the news to send out a challenge to the good guys. (Little did they know they were being led into a trap!) They finished their coffee and pizza. All the good guys suited up as Penguin Man, Kangaroo Man, Beaver Man and Grizzly Man – Voltaire is Grizzly Man in case you didn't know.

They all arrived at the scene of the trap. It was in front of the library. They didn't notice the big sheet of metal hanging above them and below them. Who doesn't notice a big crane holding a sheet of metal above and below them?!? The good guys! They were looking at the new books in the library window! It was then they saw the bad guys. Dr. Walrus hit a button and lazars surrounded the good guys. They were trapped!!! How would they get out of this one?? Would the good guys succeed in stopping the bad guys or would the bad guys succeed in taking over the pipeline??

Find out in the part 2 – Discord in Alaska


Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014 The Penguin Plies back!!

Book III -The Adventures of Penguin Man
Rumble in Russia

Kiwi's plane just landed in the Saint Petersburg, Russia airport. Cleaver aka Beaver Man and Joe aka Kangaroo Man were waiting for him.

On the way to Cleaver's house, they saw beautiful buildings. A couple of the buildings were so beautiful they stopped and took a walk around the insides of the buildings – including the Catherine Palace.  Then they came up to a rose garden. You wouldn't believe how many varieties of roses there were – 2,000!

When they got to Cleaver's house, Cleaver went in and got some money. Then they went out for lunch. Kiwi never had Russian food before! He liked it! They had Okroshka (soup) and black bread (rye). They had Ptichie Moloko (Bird's Milk Cake) for dessert. They loved that!!!

Meanwhile, back home in Buffalo, it was winter. Buffalo was in the middle of a terrible blizzard. And the power was knocked out all over the city. In prison, all the cells automatically opened. All the villains escaped, including Dr. Walrus and Mr. Koala. They grabbed their weapons and their disguises from Dr. Walrus's lair and flew to Russia to join Cyber Huskie – Beaver Man's arch enemy. They did not know that Kiwi and Joe were there. But they were old friends and allies of Cyber Huskie. Ah-oh!!!!

Penguin Man, Beaver Man and Kangaroo Man were settling down to watch Neglia Ballet Artist's at the famous Mariinsky Theatre. All of a sudden, they saw someone go into a secret door under the stage. They went into the bathroom to suit up. When they were all suited up, the ballet was about to begin! They used their suction cups on the ceiling to get to the front. By the time the ballet started, they got to the front and through the secret door.mariinsky theatre saint petersburg

When they got through the door, they found out that Dr. Walrus, Mr. Koala and Cyber Huskie had teamed up. They were planning to steal the crown jewels of Russia. The crown jewels of Russia were at the ballet because the royal family was there to watch The Nutcracker.

 The good super heroes jumped out of their hiding spot and startled the bad guys! They chased each other onto the stage and around the dancers. It was during the battle scene! As they were firing their weapons at each other, they started dancing since they found out they were in the middle of the ballet.

The king and queen were laughing so hard at the shenanigans that they fell to the ground! Imagine villains and super heroes dancing and shooting each other. The royal guards were laughing so hard they fell off the balcony!! Ouch!!!!!  Imagine the dancers trying to dodge the lasers and dance! The Nutcracker (Sergio Neglia) was trapped on the top of a poll that was right in the center of the stage. Poor guy! He's just going to hang up there until he sees who wins.

Apparently, the good guys were winning. Know why? Because Penguin Man forgot he had a shield projector on his watch and had it activated during his trip over to Russia. It can only cover the amount of good guys in a fight. As soon as they were done firing, they started to chase each other off the stage.

 While they were running Cyber Huskie was powering up one of his energy gauntlets. He shot it at both crowns and they came right to him! Now the good guys had to get the crowns back AND get the bad guys back in prison.

The bad guys hid.

But the good guys knew one thing; they would have to return to the secret hideout. They went up some of the polls, climbed down the ropes with a pulley and then the good guys hid. As soon as the bad guys thought they were alone, they started walking back to their lair. As they were walking,  each bad guy put his feet into the stage ropes, the good guys pulled on the ropes and the bad guys were trapped!

The crown jewels were returned to the king and queen. Sergio and the dancers resumed the ballet. As a reward for returning the crown jewels, Penguin Man, Kangaroo Man and Beaver Man got to sit with the king and queen. They all enjoyed the ballet.

Kiwi helped the police get the villains onto the plane and back to Buffalo. The power was finally back on and the city was protected from all the other villains.

Once again, the day has been saved by PENGUIN MAN AND FRIENDS!!!

I wonder if this ever really happened??? Or will happen?? Only time will tell!

The end

Book IV – off the floor!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, 2014 Return of the Penguin

The Adventures of Penguin Man

Book II - Trouble in Australia
I dedicate this book to my Brother, Brad. Happy Birthday!

Kiwi just arrived in Australia. His friend Joe picked him up at the airport. He came for a vacation. Or so he thought…

Joe aka Kangaroo Man
On the way to Joe's apartment, they talked about their secret lives as Penguin Man and Kangaroo Man. Joe is Kangaroo Man. You see, Joe has the same background as Kiwi. His arch enemy inspired him to become Kangaroo Man. So, he fights evil where ever it happens - especially if it includes his arch enemy Mr. Koala.

When they got to Joe's apartment, they flipped on Joe's favorite channel, National Geographic to watch, All about Kangaroo's. It was about the 3rd commercial in and the news guy interrupted the show for some very important news. Penguin Man's arch enemy busted out of his Buffalo prison - Dr. Walrus was loose!

Want to know how he got loose?? It was because a letter from Mr. Koala. The letter said that Penguin Man was going on a trip with Kangaroo Man. Also in the letter was a nail file. Walrus broke out with that nail file. Mr. Koala wanted to team up with Dr. Walrus to capture Penguin Man and Kangaroo man.

Mr. Koala 
On the way to the airport, Dr. Walrus stopped at his evil lair and grabbed his disguise and his disintegrating ray.

And hearing this news, Penguin Man and Kangaroo Man teamed up to defeat their nemesis. Little did PM and KM know, that they were being lured into a trap!

As soon as PM and KM were suited up, PM got in his egg mobile, which PM always carries in his back pocket – remember the shrinking ray and the special button on his watch?  KM got in his car, the eucalyptus mobile. They took off to town square. They were armed with KM's magic boomerang and PM's arbalest.

Dr. Walrus and Mr. Koala were busy setting up the trap. The trap was basically any old trap, a cage and a rope net. The cage was for Kangaroo Man and the net was for Penguin Man. The bad guys thought they would never fall for something so simple.

But, apparently they did! As they arrived to the scene, they ran into the traps! They were CAPTURED!!! Cars and all!!

Little did Dr. Walrus and Mr. Koala know that the Mayor of the town was watching. He tried to call the police, but there was no phone service. And he forgot his wallet at his house so he couldn't use a pay phone. The mayor ran home, grabbed his car and drove 200 miles to the nearest police station. By the time the mayor and the police got back to the scene, everyone was gone.

A rescue mission was started.

Meanwhile, back at Mr. Koala's secret laboratory where he makes all his nefarious inventions, PM and KM were trapped over a pool of sharks!!! With the good guys trapped and out of the way, the bad guys could start their foul plan of taking over the world with their doomsday device. This device would zap every continent in the world and make the world how they wanted it to be – MALEFICIENT!

The mayor, whose name is Bradley, and the police chief found Dr. Koala's lair. The villains were gone but the heroes were still there! Mayor Brad helped PM and KM out of their trap. Everyone rushed to where the bad guys were going to release their weapon. They knew where the bad guys went because they left their extra GPS marked with the place they were going. (Bad guys are so dumb.)

By the time the good guys got there, the weapon was fired up and ready to fire its first ray. When the bad guys weren't looking, Penguin threw one of the grenades he keeps with him, and blew up the doomsday device!!!  Mayor Brad helped the police and the good guys capture Walrus and Koala. Both bad guys were shipped back to Buffalo and put in a high tech security prison. Never to be seen again…or so we think…

Kiwi and Joe get to go back on their vacation. They got to go to Australia's National Zoo. Joe's favorite part was the kangaroo exhibit. Kiwi enjoyed the penguin exhibit. It was a good vacation.

By the time Kiwi got home, he noticed a note sitting at his door step. It was a letter from one of his allies. Looks like he wants Kiwi to come over next week!! Looks like his next trip is to Russia!

Once again, the world was saved by Penguin Man, defender of the Artic – and friends!!

 Book III, up a tree! Coming soon to a blog near you!

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014 The Coming of the Penguin

Hey, guys! I've got a little story for you! Hope you enjoy the Adventures of Penguin Man, Book 1

Penguin Man

Setting: In a city named Buffalo

There lived a person named Kiwi. Kiwi was an ordinary person, turned super hero. One day he was at work – payday in fact, he was about to get paid when a villain came in. The villain said WOOHAHAHA!!! And shocked the person that was giving Kiwi his pay, then Kiwi had an idea to stop this guy. He would become Penguin Man – Defender of the Artic.

It was a peaceful day in Buffalo.

Penguin Man was at his home watching the news. He saw something behind the mayor who was opening the new theme park. He didn't know what it was, so he went to check it out. It was a little suspicious.

When Kiwi (Penguin Man) got there, the mayor was about to cut the ribbon and the theme park was about to open. All of a sudden, a smoke bomb came out of nowhere! The smoke bomb didn't harm anyone. But then something dropped out of a hovering helicopter and it was one of his enemies!! It was the evil Dr. Walrus!!! Dr. Walrus was the one who inspired Kiwi to become Penguin Man. 

Dr. Walrus was planning to use one of his special weapons that he has for special occasions. This particular special weapon could freeze things solid – even people! Kiwi went back to his house – which was just one block down – pressed a button that was hidden under his favorite statue head and went into a secret elevator. His hideout was called "The Glacier". He put on his Penguin Man suit and grabbed his arbalest and hopped into his car – the Egg Mobile.

The Egg Mobile is basically a car in the shape of an egg. Penguin Man is pretty cramped in there. But it has a stretch button that makes the Egg Mobile look like a cracked egg! And there are hidden weapons all over it, like a machine gun on top, two missiles on the side, lazar guns in the front and tacks and oil slick in the back.

He arrived at the scene to find Dr. Walrus freezing everyone and everything!!! Including the Mayor!! Dr. Walrus was doing this so that he could order all his minions to rob all the banks!!! It seems as though all of Buffalo's police and security were at the grand opening to protect the mayor and make sure the crowd didn't go all wild. So the city was left unprotected.
Penguin Man had to act pretty fast. He took shelter behind the cars and started shooting his arbalest which was armed with arrows that would punch the enemy in the face. They knocked out some of the good guys so they wouldn't get frozen. And then Dr. Walrus started shooting at Penguin Man!! It's a good thing he ducked behind the cars! PM started shooting his arrows at Dr. Walrus. They didn't work on him because he was so fat. So PM had to use something else.

He rummaged through some of his pockets and found some throwing knives. He started throwing them at the Doctor and pinned him to one of the buildings! When the police woke up, they escorted Dr. Walrus to their police car and arrested him.
Penguin Man wanted to unfreeze the people. So he got out a giant heat lamp. He always kept one in his car – it was shrunken, but had a special button that could make it grow into a size that could help frozen people.

After he unfroze everyone, PM had to assist the police and security, stop all of Dr. Walrus's minions from robbing the banks. And boy did they put up a fight! But they never reached the vaults that held everyone's money. He stopped them by shrinking them. He shrunk them with an extra shrinking ray – the same ray he used to shrink the heat lamp. He put all the bad guys into a safe, but poked holes on the top so they could breathe. When they got to the prison and each one was in their cells, he pressed a special button on his watch that made them grow back to their original size.

Once again, the day is saved by PENGUIN MAN!!!

 Coming soon, book II…..

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014 Welcome Back Part 2

Well, we're at Part 2!

First of all, I'd like to show you this little video. I've been listening to this since I was 3 and I finally learned how to play it on the piano! it is!


Daddy is getting his surgery tomorrow and Meggie is coming over! Since I'm afraid of her pugs, I modified my whole entire fort. I put a chair in front of it, Dad's jacket in front of it, I put my table in front of it, and I put my gun on top of it. It only has 2 darts left.
I'm wearing the jacket right now, so you can't see it...this is how my fort looks!! Cool, huh?

Anyway....moving along.

I went to Fantasy Island this summer! I had a blast! I spent 2 hours in the water park. I went with Meggie, Bubba and of course my annoying sister, Lilly. Oh, I was gonna go on this right where every once in awhile you hang upside down? But, some lady kept yelling, DON'T DO IT....she scare me off it.....Guess what, the big blue water slide and the Mouse, Bubba kept asking me out of all the rides, I'm not afraid of those 2. (Will's words - no correction on his order)

Oh! Science camp was sweet! I did some chemistry. I especially loved learning about polymers! I already know a lot about polymers. They are just molecular bonds...that are either strong bonds or weak bonds...I also, blew some bubbles. But, not regular bubbles...HUMONGOUS bubbles..I learned about DNA, too. DNA is your genetics, like you carry your Mom's and Dad's genes. So, unattached ear lobes are genetic, the ability to roll your tongue. And tasting sourness is also genetic. I learned A LOT!!!

Ok, so this is it for now.......stay tuned until I have time for more!

That's all for now!!!


Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014

I'll think of a name for this blog later. This isn't going to be your ordinary, everyday blog. Especially because it's about what happened in 2001 on this date.

We just watched a couple of videos and we learned about what happened with the Twin Towers. Here a video from BrainPOP about 9-11.

My take on this is that terrorists are just jealous of other people. And they just want to make everyone live their way. Everyone has a different religion and different race. Why can't we just get along? And why do the terrorists plan attacks? Why can't we just negotiate? They do their business, and we do ours. No more! It would be a good thing if we could turn back time. And much safer. If we could turn back time, we could change history, and have no terrorists, and no worry and no Nazi's. And then we wouldn't need anymore defenses. Except for robbers. Then we would need defenses. But, whole armies just to defend our country? You would just need one if you were attacked, by, I don't know...your worst enemy. And people getting along? That would be much more peaceful. Don't you think?

I thought of a name for my blog. It's 9-11, I hate terrorists.
I salute you, America

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014 Welcome back!!! Part 1

Hey! Cool Picture of me! Aren't I cute??
It's the school year again! EEffffgggggljjjjj.....Well, new year means new blogs!!!

Ok, first of all, here's somethings I'd like to tell you.

1st of all, I was actually excited for the school year to begin! Guess this is because I'm in 6th grade ELA. It is pretty fun! I'm learning vocabulary and different types of verbs. Since it's in (time4learning) extensions, it's boring. But, today I did parts of speech.

In math, I'm doing 4th grade work. We are working on estimating and rounding. Khan Academy helped me a lot with this. (I'm also learning about prepositions - never end a sentence with a prepostion....I broke a rule.)

Anyway, more on school later.

I tried out for Baba Yaga, but I didn't get in.'s some pictures of what I did this summer, well, some of what I did this summer....

A beaver lodge from the turtle walk at Tifft farm

This is the guide looking at one of his turtle traps



Even MORE turtles!!! I loved the turtle walk......that was a dream come true!

Going down the slide at the fair with Bubba
Me on a very fast ride with Bubba. Meg and Lilly are behind us.

Just sitting on a rock at the beach. We did this yesterday.

Walking in the sun collecting acorns.

And.....A GREW A WATERMELON!!!!! Finally....Yes, it's ripe! Just's a sugar baby...

All in all, it was a pretty good summer. I'll write more about it later - as I remember what I did!!!!

Hope you enjoy my pictures!

Oh, Mom thought this was a good blog for everyone to read. She has permission from the writer to repost....

That's all for now!!!