Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014 Exciting/Boring

Today was a mild day. I started out tired. I still have a cold. AACHOOO! And it got worse.

Mom moved me up to 4th GRADE!!!! Except in Math. (HAPPY DANCE!) It's pretty fun! It's more challenging. But, that's a good thing. I already got a 40 out of 40 on Word Herd - that's a quiz game show in And I only got 3 wrong on a regular quiz. The quiz was in science.

And today we made cold porcelain! Cold porcelain is a polymer. A polymer is a many molecules all strung together to form really long chains.. I wonder if I can make a necklace out of molecules???

me mixing (in my lab coat)

thicker goop
the final product!
 Cold porcelain is made from H2O, Cornstarch (25% amylase and 75% amylopectin
no chem name, but chem properties because it’s already a polymer), petroleum jelly (vaseline - the amount  of carbon and hydrogen atoms in each molecule is not known) and GLUEpolyvinyl acetate chem name : or chem name (C4H6O2)n. 

We put it on the stove over a low flame for about 9 minutes. We had to stir 

constantly so it wouldn't burn. That would smell! Then we put it on wax 

paper and kneaded it like bread. It's pretty cool. We don't know what we'll

do with it yet. Maybe it will come alive! Maybe it will turn into a human!

Maybe we cloned! Another me!!!! 


Stay tuned 'til tomorrow!



  1. Another William??????? How cool would that be????? You're doing a great job! And I LOVE your lab coat! I have one of those from when I worked at the doctor's office. I was thinking of using it as a mad professor's coat. What do you think? Keep up the good work!! Love, Punkin

  2. Hello WIlliam, what a cool thing to do today. This is espically cool because when you were in the other school you couldn't do all these amazing experiments. Special projects just for you!! Another good job by you. Feel better. love and hugs to all. Aunt Donna ♥

  3. Fourth grade lessons! Wow! Good job. Aunt K.


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