Saturday, November 25, 2017

a/n happy birthday aunt Donna

There once was a lady who had two grandchildren and she loved them dearly.
One day she went out to the grocery store while she was watching them and when she came back she saw a huge hole in the back yard and two muddy little toddlers and one extremely annoyed cat.
After a bath (the cat hated that) they snuggled up with a nice hot cocoa and some ginger snaps for it was cold outside. After a good book they went to bed. The next morning the lady got up and saw that the cat’s tail had been tied in knots! The children had play with (read tortured) the poor cat.
The lady walked into the kitchen to find milk and cheerios almost everywhere except on the ceiling and walls and the floor. When she finished cleaning up she went into the living room to see a pillow fort which somehow had scorpion batiste (toys of course). It also had a couple of toy soldiers on it.
Inside the fort she found her grandchildren in knight costumes, toy sword and all (although she did not know where they came from). She “invaded” the fort and started to tickle the grandchildren. After the tickle fight they put the pillows back and went to the kitchen for lunch.
They had left over meat loaf, yummy. Twenty minutes later the parents came home from vacation and picked the children up. That is ,for now muahahahaha!!!

The end

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