Friday, January 17, 2014

I won!!!! January 17, 2014

Hey! Guess what?!?!? I won my FIRST BOUT against another kid!!! This was in fencing. Friday's we go to open fencing. This means that we get to do a lot of fun stuff against other kids. Usually, I lose the bouts but I'm getting better and better. I'm so glad we went!!

This is me hooked up to the electric scoring equipment

Today we went to Barnes and Noble. I had a gift card (thanks Aunt K). I didn't know what to get! They didn't have the chemistry set I wanted. But, I got 2 books instead. They are called Jedi Academy (a comic book) and a Thea Stilton book. Mom wanted to get a periodic table poster. But they didn't have it. We ordered it.

And I forgot about ballet Wednesday. Ballet was fantastic too! We learned something new! I have no idea what it's called. It was fun.

Yesterday I got to see my second grade teacher. It made me happy to see her again.

The highlight of my week was, can you guess???? WINNING MY FIRST REAL BOUT!!!! I knew I could do it.

See you next week!



  1. Yaaaaaahoooooooo! Good job William, keep practicing and you will be the next WORLD CHAMPION!!

  2. AWESOME, great job William !! All of your hard work with fencing is paying off !! Uncle Ken

  3. Great, we are proud of you...Grandma and


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