Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Day.....we wrote a story. January 28, 2014

Lilly, Mom and I wrote a story. We wrote a story because we ate a pear. Let us know if you like it!

What if I ate a pear whole?


  1. Love the story. It kept my attention. I remember thinking those same toughts when I was your age too but it was about an apple. Enjoy your day all!! Love and hugs. Aunt Donna

    1. I also wonder what it would be like to be an apple too!!!!

  2. Great story. We enjoyed it a lot, but we love anything that you guys do..Hope you didn't go outside in this
    freezing weather. Glad that you are getting better with math and enjoy all of that fun science stuff.
    Love you ...Grandpa and Grandma

  3. Wonderful story! William and Lilly, you thought of everything that a pear tree would encounter and wrote perfectly about it. I think the pear tree is happy that you told the story so well. We always used to worry about swallowing watermelon seeds, (this was before seedless was invented) there were so many it was hard to spit them all out and the possibility of one growing inside you was a real concern. Watermelon was only allowed to be eaten outside as Mom did not want us spitting seeds in the house.
    Did you know rabbits and parrots can see behind themselves without turning their head!

  4. I did NOT know that!!! That is cool! I wish I could do that!!!!


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