Monday, January 27, 2014

Ok, not so much fun today.....January 27, 2014

Um, today was not so much fun. Today I was tired and a bit Aspie. I couldn't seem to concentrate. Mom was frustrated with me. And she wasn't any fun!

We went outside to get some fresh air this morning. We went into the woods and we investigated. We figured out that the animals change hide outs every time we discover one of their hideouts. We saw deer and bunny prints.

I worked on math most of the morning. I still dislike math, just a bit. But I'm getting a bit better at it. We also worked on social studies. I started learning about the 13 colonies. When I learn something interesting, I get excited. I'll share what I learn soon.

So, stay tuned 'til tomorrow!



  1. William I had an off day too. No worries stuff happens. Tomorrow is another day. But you did learn some new things today. Have a good night. Love and hugs. Aunt Donna.

  2. Hey William, if you were sick recently you may not be back to yourself yet. I know I have a terrible cold and nothing seems interesting to me right now. When you get up have a big breakfast and start your day fresh and happy. And when I say big breakfast maybe you can have a shark egg - Sharks lay the biggest eggs in the world. (Don't get a tummy ache!) Debbie

  3. We had to look that up! How cool is that!!!! And we had egg sandwiches for lunch yesterday! I enjoyed them!


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