Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11, 2014 I need your assistance (The editor - not William)

William doesn't want to do this anymore. He also doesn't want to use his imagination. We've started a story about his super hero, but will not finish it. William really doesn't want to do much of anything lately.

So, I need your help! Either by email (, on this blog or via Facebook, please let me know how many people really enjoy reading Will's blogs. (I'm hoping there are a few loyal readers) Perhaps if Will sees that there are people that care about what he does or has to say, his view on life will change.

I know that William can be so much more than he thinks he can be. He can be more than the kid in front of the TV or in front of the video game. (Though I know for his brain, these things "help keep order" in his mind)

I'm also trying to get him to realize that by getting the not so fun stuff done early in the day, we have time for the fun stuff we both like to do. (Like extracting strawberry DNA - I want to do this!!!!) We could be learning so much together.....sigh.......

So, if you could all just help me give William a little push. Perhaps just hearing that he does touch a few people by what he learns, and what he writes, it'll give him the kick start he needs to gain momentum. So, yeah, a little help here? Please???

Hopefully, TO BE CONTINUED.....


  1. Hey William. I love reading your blog. Since I live in WI, I don't get to see you or Lilly very often (maybe once a year, if that) so reading your blog helps me know how you both are doing and I get to see pictures and videos. I try to post when I can, most of the time I am at work, but I do read your blog EVERYDAY. You may not know that, but I do check it EVERYDAY. I also learn from the things that you post since I am just a bean counter (your mom and dad can explain what a bean counter is) and I don't do much with science, chess, dance, fencing, etc.... Keep up the good work and say HI to Lilly for me. Uncle Ken

  2. William I have read most of your blogs and I am always very interested with what you have to say. You are so smart and I learn a lot from you just by reading your blogs. I just read about how you will be extracting strawberry DNA. I'm looking forward to reading how that goes and your invention how is that going?

  3. Hi William. I just want you to know that I like to read your blogs. I learn a lot myself from reading them. You are such a smart young man. I'm looking forward to hearing about extracting strawberry DNA and your invention how is that going?

  4. Master William, your daily blog is the highlight of my very busy and sad day. I understand if you want to skip blogging everyday, but please don't give it up totally. Look at it this way if you don't want to do it everyday for yourself then do it for the people who love and care about you and really enjoy what you and hugs...Aunt Donna ♥

  5. BTW....I didn't proof read my entry. Could you do that for me to see if I made any spelling errors. Thanks!! Aunt Donna

  6. William - I didn't see this post until now because I am behind on my blog readng. I am glad you did decide to keep on blogging! Sometimes I get in a rut and I don't want to blog or do anything else. It helps if I find something new to think about and be excited about! Like, right now, I am teaching myself Spanish! I will always read your blog because I think it is awesome.

  7. William - I just saw this days blog, sorry I am a little behind on my reading. We both look forward to seeing your progress on the blog. Keep posting when you can. Please don't stop. ...Love from Grandpa and Grandma


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