I forgot to wish Neglia Ballet good luck! In the ballet world, they say Merde to wish dancers good luck! Merde means "poop". We just looked it up. We have to look up everything these days. One explanation that they say this is they used to use animals on stage and if the animals pooped, the audience would yell, "MERDE" to warn the dancers....pretty cool, huh???
I'm going to Romeo and Juliet tonight! It's a ballet. It's at Shea's. Neglia Ballet is putting it on. We just read the story so I know what happens. Here it is: http://www.kidsloveshakespeare.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/RJsummary.pdf
I'm excited about this. There is a sword fight! Sergio taught the dancers how to fence. Here is a picture from a rehearsal of the fight scene.
Oh, we got an email from one of my counselors from Tifft! She knows about my invention. She gave us another website to go to for more info. That means for reading and research! Who knew one simple experiment could need so much info!!!!!
That's all for now. I'll update tonight if we don't get home too late...
TO BE CONTINUED....(this time I really mean it!)
I did not know about the "merde" thing. That is some interesting trivia! Do you know about the site, Quirky, where you can post your inventions, and people vote on the best ones? If someone has a great invention, the people help get it out into the world.