Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014 Sorry! I was on vacation.....

Sunday: I was having fun! I got the 4th Geronimo Stilton Cavemice book! And I read it all in 2 days! I also got Derpy and Doctor Whooves figurines. They are from My Little Pony. I am a Bronie. This is a video that explains what a Bronie is: Maybe I'll go to Bronie-con someday.

Oh, Sunday was Easter!!! Happy Easter, everyone! My basket was under the covers of my bed. I was in my Dad's bed. (I couldn't sleep, but more about that later) We had company for dinner. Grandma and Grandpa Benz, Meggie and Bubba came for dinner. Dinner was good. It was nice to have company. Bubba stayed and watched Black Stallion with us. It was a good movie. But the island part wasn't as I read it. Actually, the whole movie was different from the book. And personally I only read a couple a chapters, but I know it was different. I'm gonna read the rest of the book. Maybe Dad can find it in the e-library for me.

Here's a picture of Doctor Whooves and Derpy:
Aren't they cute??

Tuesday: Guess what?!?!?! I WON ELECTRIC FENCING!!!! It's been a long time since I've done that! Might be thanks to the melatonin that helps me sleep. (Ok, again, more about that later) Coach was real happy with me. Well, he didn't yell and when we left, he had a smile on his face. This happened before my problems began. I didn't learn anything new, I just practiced what I learned. 

Right now, my tummy is gurgling. This is why: (excerpt from But you may be wondering -- if your stomach is empty, why are the muscle contractions that digest food happening to begin with? The reason has to do with hunger and appetite. About two hours after your stomach empties itself, it begins to produce hormones that stimulate local nerves to send a message to the brain. The brain replies by signaling for the digestive muscles to restart the process of peristalsis. Two results occur: First, the contractions sweep up any remaining food that was missed the first time around. Second, the vibrations of an empty stomach make you hungry. Muscle contractions will come and go about every hour, generally lasting 10 to 20 minutes, until you eat again.

I'm gonna go eat now. Hopefully, I'll get back to you later! Happy reading!!!


2:15 p.m. Here's another update. This is about my project. We emailed a director from the sea turtle conservancy. Here is the letter I wrote and Mom typed. 

My name is William Carl Benz. I am 9 years old. I came up with something that can protect the baby sea turtle egg nests. I have emailed many people, hoping to see if my project can work. I have not had any success.
My mom and I looked through the federal guidelines and couldn’t find anything that says that my project can’t be used.
I did a lot of research about sea turtles. Do you know why I think they should be saved? Because, only 1 in 1000 baby turtles make it to adulthood. This puts them on the endangered or threatened list. Except for the flatbacks. There isn’t enough information on them.  I’m so passionate about the turtles because they look like gentle giants. They are important to the earth. I would be very, very sad if they were gone.
I am home schooled. I am an Aspie. (That means I have Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism.) Being an Aspie made it hard for me in school.  My teachers didn’t know how to deal with me. I am very smart, but have a hard time getting along with kids my age and working in a classroom. Being home schooled is letting me learn more about what I want – like turtles!
The idea of this came to me all because of one article in a National Geographic’s kids magazine. It’s where I found the fact about 1 in 1000 turtles making it to adulthood.
This video isn’t very professional. We just did it for me to practice for my science fair and for my blog. But, I hope you watch it.
I hope you like my invention. I really would like to see it work in real life. Please let me know if you have any questions. I will try to answer them.
p.s. If you’d like to see my blog its:


Again, TO BE UPDATED...I'll write more later if Mom has time to help!


  1. Loved the video. Excellent presentation.

    1. Thank you! Please write your name?! thanks!!!

    2. Dear William Glad that you won in fencing and enjoying it. we had a great time on Easter. You are right mommie is a great cook, we had a lot of left overs, so I didn't have to cook for two nights. Glad that you are back to your school work. Love you and Lilly Grandma and Grandpa

  2. William... glad that you are back, we missed reading your posts
    Grandpa and Grandma


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