Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Happy Anniversary, Penguin Man! Special Edition - 1st of a brand new series - Part 1! Trip to Coruscant. September 22, 2015

Hey, everybody! Guess what today is?? The anniversary of when I created Penguin Man. Cool, huh? Anyway, in celebration, I would like to introduce to you, the first of a brand new story series, a special edition Penguin Man!

Let's get to the story!

Penguin Man starring in Trip to Coruscant...

It was a beautiful morning. And while I was at work, I got a call. I answered the phone.

"Hello?", said I.

"Long distance call for Kiwi", said the operator.

(Wait, wait, wait...I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Kiwi. You may remember me from other "stories". Yeah, right....Basically, you know that I am Penguin Man - defender of the Arctic. And I will email this story to the author of my "books". Anyway, back to the story.)

"Well, where is the call from?", I asked.

The operator said, "I don't know who the caller is. But, it's from somewhere named, Coruscant??"

Where have I heard the name Coruscant before?, I thought to myself.

"I'll accept the call.", said I.

"It'll cost you $20.", said the operator.

Caller: "Hmm...Yoda, I am."

"What?!?!?!? Yoda! So, that's where I've heard the name Coruscant before. You're from Star Wars! Wait a sec, is this a prank?" , I screamed.

"A prank, it is not.", said Yoda.

"Wow! Wait, uh...if you really are Yoda, why am I talking to you on a phone and not a hologram?", I replied.

"Oops! Forgot, I did." Yoda said.

Then, all of a sudden, I felt something in my ear. I put the phone down, and there he was! In a hologram!!! WOW!!! It really was Yoda!

"Open a portal, I will. Urgent, this matter is." Yoda said via the hologram.

All of a sudden, a speaker piped up.

"Kiwi to my office! Kiwi to my office!", said my boss.

Doh, great. It was my boss trying to get me to spill the beans on where I've been on workdays. He's been suspicious of me ever since Dr. Walrus zapped him.

Speaking of Dr. Walrus. I've haven't heard from him in awhile. If you are wondering who he is, he's my arch enemy.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a glowing portal opened up right next to me! I heard someone coming down the hall at the same time! Uh-oh! It was my boss!!! I jumped through the portal quickly. Barely made it. When my boss opened the door, I was gone!

"Huh?!?", said my boss. "Where'd he go? I could have sworn Kiwi came into the office today. I'll try him again tomorrow, or I'll just try his phone."

Once I got through the portal, I heard my phone ring.

"Briang, briang!"

"Hello?", I answered.

"Hey, Kiwi. I just called to tell you, you got a raise AND a promotion!"

"Thanks, Boss! Well, I might be out of the office for a couple of days. I have a business trip I must attend. It's super secret.", I said excitedly.

"Okay", said my boss. "See you when you get back!"

Beep, beep, beep......beep, beep, beep......

Wow. I was actually on Coruscant! (whistle) This place is amazing! Then all of a sudden, a little green guy - I guessed he was Yoda - came up and said,

"Come, you must. Lots to learn! Lots to explain!"

So, I followed him.

"Wait, where are we going?", I asked.

"Hm. To the Jedi Temple." replied Yoda.

"What, really??!! That is so cool!", said I.

Yoda started talking when we got to the temple.

"Hm. Call you here we did. He-he. Your arch enemy escaped, he did. A Jedi, You may be. Strong, the forces in you. Dr. Walrus broke out of prison, he did. Much training, there is. Need your friends help, you do. Train, you must. Of the way of the Jedi." said Yoda.

"WWHAAAATTTT????? Dr. Walrus escaped prison! That last prison was the strongest I could find! There were 2,000 guards, a very high tech security system, and it was on an island in the middle of nowhere!"

"Hm. A Sith, he is. He-he."

"Well, this is new! And what's that part about my needing my friends' help?" , said I.

"Hm. Some potential, your friends have." Yoda replied.

Joe, Cleaver and Voltaire are 3 of my friends that have been featured in my "stories". Delphin, we never got to him. But, he is basically Dolphin Man. By the looks of it, all 4 of them were already brought here. For some reason, looks like Delphin wasn't a Jedi, but a Clone leader! That's cool! But, we'll get into those details in the next part of this series.

Well. We'll take this back up when the author gets back from ballet. Don't worry, it's his boys ballet class. There is no need to laugh. Ballet is hard work!!

Que music!

Buh - Bye!

author's note: Hey, guys! How do you like the story so far? We'll write part 2 when I get back (or tomorrow). I hope you like my writing the the 1st person. Anyway, write down in the comment section any birthday wishes for Penguin Man! Hope you had a nice time!  Bye!

TO BE CONTINUED! (Literally) (cymbal sound)


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