Monday, October 3, 2016

my sister's preformance 10/3/2016

Hi guys it has been a long time like 3 maybe 4 months. I don't know how long it has been but I have missed writing and I have a lot to talk about but I will post another blog soon that explains what have been up to but for today I would like to tell you about yesterday...

Io yeah my sister Lilly had her first big performance of the year for something called the chromatic club at the Montante Cultural center in Buffalo New York and I could tell she was nervous even though there where 30 people there. But once she got into it she was great and when she was done she got nervous again and forgot to bow!!! Her accompanist was my big brother brad so I just want to give him a shout out to him.

Anyway's this is all that I have for today and if you want more info go to my sister's blog and she has more on this and I hope to see you all in the comments.

Stay tuned til' tomorrow!

good bye!!

Lilly's Blog

1 comment:

  1. Way to go to Lilly and Brad. So happy you posted Master William, missed your posts. Love and hugs. Aunt Donna


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