Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014 Welcome back!!! Part 1

Hey! Cool Picture of me! Aren't I cute??
It's the school year again! EEffffgggggljjjjj.....Well, new year means new blogs!!!

Ok, first of all, here's somethings I'd like to tell you.

1st of all, I was actually excited for the school year to begin! Guess this is because I'm in 6th grade ELA. It is pretty fun! I'm learning vocabulary and different types of verbs. Since it's in (time4learning) extensions, it's boring. But, today I did parts of speech.

In math, I'm doing 4th grade work. We are working on estimating and rounding. Khan Academy helped me a lot with this. (I'm also learning about prepositions - never end a sentence with a prepostion....I broke a rule.)

Anyway, more on school later.

I tried out for Baba Yaga, but I didn't get in.'s some pictures of what I did this summer, well, some of what I did this summer....

A beaver lodge from the turtle walk at Tifft farm

This is the guide looking at one of his turtle traps



Even MORE turtles!!! I loved the turtle walk......that was a dream come true!

Going down the slide at the fair with Bubba
Me on a very fast ride with Bubba. Meg and Lilly are behind us.

Just sitting on a rock at the beach. We did this yesterday.

Walking in the sun collecting acorns.

And.....A GREW A WATERMELON!!!!! Finally....Yes, it's ripe! Just's a sugar baby...

All in all, it was a pretty good summer. I'll write more about it later - as I remember what I did!!!!

Hope you enjoy my pictures!

Oh, Mom thought this was a good blog for everyone to read. She has permission from the writer to repost....

That's all for now!!!



  1. Good grief...I have been waiting all summer to get these blogs again!! Thanks so much for starting up and sorry you didn't make the cut for Baba Yaga I am sure you will be very busy with other things. Thanks again Master William for the blog. Hugs and Kisses from us all. Aunt Donna ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. I am very happy you decided to continue with your blog. I look forward to reading future posts. Love, Aunt K.

  3. Glad that you are back to blogging.
    Love you and Lilly
    Grandpa and Grandma


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