Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014 Discord in Alaska

Book IV – Part 2 Discord in Alaska

Dr. Walrus was excited this time of year because all his brother walruses were piling up on the beach and he paid them a visit every once in a while. There were about 30,000 walruses on the coast. They were all there for Christmas.

The good guys were trapped in the Dr. Walrus's Alaskan base. The bad guys were getting ready to start phase 2 of The Fox's plan to take over the Alaskan Pipeline. The bad guys had just left when Penguin Man noticed that Walrus left his disintegrating gun behind. He picked it up and disintegrated the cage floor. As soon as all the good guys were out of the cage (and boy were they glad to get out – it was getting cramped in there!) they ran toward the door and made their vehicles come. And then they drove off to save the day.

When they got to the pipeline, they noticed that they were there before the bad guys. So they took a little tour of the factory where all the gas and oil are made.

When the bad guys got there, they snuck by the good guys and went into the bosses office. The good guys heard the bosses girly scream – IIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!  The bad guys had shot the boss with a fainting dart. They looked all over the place and found a secret button under his desk. The secret button opened a trap door that led down to another door. They had to pull Dr. Walrus through the door because he was so fat! And just in time, too!!!

When the good guys got to the bosses office, they saw that the boss fainted. And then they heard something quickly shut close. Before looking for what closed, they woke the boss up. Penguin asked the boss his name. He said his name was Brad. Brad told Penguin that there was a trap door that led to the control room of the Alaskan Pipeline!!!
Top left is the good guys coming into the office, the middle picture is the bosses desk with the button to open the secret door and the picture next to it is the boss (Brad) who fainted and the last picture is Dr. Walrus saying, "Get me out!" and The Fox scratching his head and Mr. Koala and Cyber Husky 

When they got down there, they saw the bad guys fidgeting with the controls. And The Fox used his voice disguiser to speak in the microphone to tell all the employees that they had the day off for Christmas. As soon as all the confused employees were gone, the bad guys started their maniacal plan.

Just then, the good guys burst into the room.  When the fight started, the good guys had an ace up their sleeve. Literally, they had something up their sleeve – Penguin's sleeve, in fact. You see, Penguin Man took Quantum Mechanics. He made himself a weapon beyond imagining. Do you want to know what it is??? It was a giant quantum cannon that also held a quantum field so it could fit up Penguin's sleeve.

He got out his quantum cannon and started shooting rays at the bad guys. The rays turned the bad guys into little cubes. This will make it easier to transport them back to Buffalo Prison.  (Don't worry, pour a little water on them and they'll be back to normal).

Penguin man said, "Hmm….like little blocks of ice, but not very good at cooling water!"

As soon as the bad guys were on their way back to Buffalo, Kiwi, Joe, Cleaver and Voltaire finished up their vacation. They went back to the airport, said good-bye to Voltaire and all went back to their homes in Australia, Russia and Buffalo. 

Meanwhile, at Buffalo Prison, Mayor Megan helped the prison guards rebuild the walls and get the other prisoners back into their cells. Mayor Megan also closed up the Walrus's lair, which again was underneath city hall.

The bad guys were placed back in their cells, and water was sprinkled on them, Dr. Walrus yelled, "Aw, com'on already!"

Once again, the day is saved by Penguin Man and Friends!!! (queue in music)

Book 5 – Mamba in Mexico 

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