Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9, 2014 The Political Ramblings of a 9 year old.....

First, Happy Birthday Aunt Karen!!!

My thoughts on politics by William Carl Benz

Why in the world has the President let people with Ebola into the states?? I have no idea why the President isn't stopping the people with Ebola from coming to the U.S. Try closing the borders! That will help. But, it wouldn't be forever, we would just be until it is under control. Either he let them in, or he didn't know they came in. Now he says there is only a small chance of an Ebola outbreak. Really, Obama? I think there is more than a small chance because they really don't know how it spreads. And I'm getting a little concerned about this because if this goes on for a little longer, there won't be another person to be President.

I think the government is deliberately trying to destroy America with this. If America survives through this, the American should elect a whole new government. I think this government is going down the charts. And soon, there will be no more free country in the world. If Obama and Congress don't see this, then I think they should be kicked out of Capital Hill.

If I were involved and I had a lawyer, and Obama was out of office, I would go to his house and tell him what was wrong and maybe sue him. Because, then I would be standing up for my favorite country in the world. Maybe then, he would see what he did wrong. Congress? You, too.

The government is also doing one more little thing that makes me want to blow my top off! The government is letting the people that came here illegally have stuff we have to pay for. Now, that's just stupid wrong! They are here illegally. Try getting them tickets back to where they came from. Then we wouldn't have any illegal people here. They should come in the country the right way and become official citizens of the U.S.A.

This is the end of a very brief blog. I wrote this blog because I felt that people are doing things wrong!

Penguin Man book coming out tomorrow.

William Benz signing off for now.



  1. I agree with you 100% Master William. love and hugs to you and the whole family. Aunt Donna ♥♥


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