Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014 ...Not much to say....

I was a little Aspie today, so not much to talk about.

We found a documentary on the Galapagos Islands. I have a whole bunch of educational videos for the summer. Grumble..........:p.........;-)

We're still looking on stuff about the pendulum.

And we looked at museums from around the world today! About 20! We did a lot of research on the one that holds the Mona Lisa. It's called the Louvre. Here is an essay about why people like art. (It would be easier if it were just called a word-doc.....)

Here it is!

Why do humans cherish art?

Art teaches us. It teaches us about the past. It also looks beautiful.

There are hundreds, maybe thousands of art museums. That's amazing, isn't it? In 2013, millions of people from around the world went to visit these museums.

Today we looked through the Louvre. The Louvre is in Paris, France. One of their most famous paintings is The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo Davinci. They have thousands of other paintings and sculptures.

The construction of the original building of the Louvre started about 1190 a.d. The original building was built for defense. It was then used for the home of royalty.

That's just one example of museums. All these buildings are built to house paintings and sculptures and ancient artifacts.

Why do humans prize art? I think it's because it makes them feel happy.  It gives humans a view of the world around them. Art can take you anywhere in your imagination.

My personal thoughts - art should be appreciated for what it is. I enjoy art, but I do not like going into museums. Perhaps when I get older, I'll appreciate museums more. But for now, I'd rather just look at art at home.

That's all I'm gonna write today.

Stay tuned 'til tomorrow!


old picture of me dressed as absolutely no idea...

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