Wednesday, April 2, 2014

04/02/2014 Gelato

*** Editors note: Dad helped me type this in because mom is busy with Lilly practicing singing.

Today I went to Chess. I didn't win and offered 2 draws. A draw can happen where you both have just Kings on the board as nobody will win or you give up and the opponent accepts. I was losing so I conceded the game.

After Chess mom took me to Orchard Fresh to get a Gelato. I had a Apple Pie flavored Gelato. It was DEEEELICIOUS! I pounded that thing down! The first time I tasted the lemon it tasted like Italian ice but after eating my Apple Pie Gelato the lemon was VERY sour.

This is me eating Gelato. YUM!
I heard back from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida about my science fair invention to save the baby turtle nests from predators. They said they can't use it because it needs to meet Federal Guidelines as the Turtles are an endangered and protected species. I am researching what the Federal Guidelines are. They are confusing.

This is me trying to figure it out. My head hurts.
Last Sunday it snowed AGAIN! We got a few inches and Dad had to snow blow the driveway. We finally got to build a snowman! The ground wasnt frozen because the snow had already melted before we got this snow so it was muddy. We made a muddy snowman.

He lead a very short life. It got warm and the sun was out and he fell over and he broke in two. He had a carrot for a nose. The deer will probably come and eat it.

This is our snowman...

I don't have speech therapy this week because of the ELA common core state testing (booo). I don't have to take the test because I am home schooled but Lilly does because she is still in school.

There was no dance today because Neglia Ballet is doing Romeo and Juliet at Shea's this Friday and me, mommy, Lilly and dad are going to it. I am excited to go because they fence in it!

That's all for now....

Stay tuned till tomorrow!



  1. Loved it. Hugs Aunt Donna.

  2. That snowman was awesome but a little dirty. One day maybe Grandma will take me out for gelato, I never had any, but then I am only 78 years old. Grandma says love to all, and me too...Grandpa

  3. Wow, you had a very busy day! I love gelato, but I have never tried Apple Pie flavor. It sounds very yummy. That is so cool that you wrote to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium about your science fair project. Maybe you'll be able to figure out a way to meet their guidelines! Either way, I'm sure the turtles appreciate the thought.


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