Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4. 2014 Not much going on today.....

Like I said in the beginning, not much happened today.

I multiplied by using Legos today. I both did and didn't like doing it. I liked it because I got to use one of my favorite things - Legos. I like new sets of Lego best. New Lego sets are very fun, cuz the first time you play with them, it's fun to figure them out.  They are also fun because you can use your imagination to build stuff after you destroy the stuff your supposed to build. I didn't like doing it because it involved one of my LEAST favorite things - math. I made math a (very) little more fun.

Math time! Counting by 4's.

I'm looking for same size Legos

I also did fencing today! I learned one new thing. I forgot what it's called, but you smack your enemies foil and then you attack. (Not to be confused with aluminum foil. A foil is a type of fencing tool, actually it the most important one that does most of the work. And it's one of the main weapons that a fencer uses. Foil is a homonym.) 

This is from Sunday. It's a funny pic. Lilly is picking my up instead of me picking her up.

And last, but not least, a picture from Day of the Doctor. 10th and 11th. Someday I'll write about them.
Matt Smith and David Tennant

That's all for now. 

Stay tuned 'til tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Dear William You will some day you will be glad that you learned math. You are a smart guy. Try liking it not disliking it. It will be so much fun and easy. Try it. We were glad that we got too see you and Lilly and Dad over the weekend and had a pizza party. Love you and Lilly Grandma and Grandpa


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