Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8, 2014 Bowling!!!

Today we went to the store to get stuff for my science project. We picked up a whole lot of stuff like sand, fake eggs (we're going to paint them), plexiglass and LED lights. I have pretty much almost everything. We still need a solar panel and electric circuit to complete my project. We will start working on my project tomorrow. If it works, maybe I can take it to the science museum to see if we can really use it where the sea turtles are hatched.
most of the group

We went to the bowling alley. It was my Aunt Jo's birthday! It was awesome! My cousin Victoria, my Aunt Karen and Uncle Keith, my Uncle Buck and Amber, Megan, my Mom and Dad and Lilly, my cousins Kris and Kim and of course Aunt Jo and Uncle Ron were there! Everybody played good. It was a good idea to do that. Happy Birthday, Aunt Jo!
Me bowling
Next we had birthday cake at my Aunt K's house. Playing with Vicky was fun! My Uncle Keith has a train set downstairs. It is HUGE! It takes up the whole middle of the downstairs! Today, Uncle Keith gave me a Lionel HO sized train set! I'm ecstatic about this!  Aunt Jo is fun! Everybody there was funny or cuddly if you want! Here's some pics...
Vicky's gifts.

Birthday cake time!

Yesterday nothing very much happened. I was very grumpy yesterday. And that made me uncooperative. Mom got angry because nothing was getting accomplished. So, we packed up our cameras and went to look for eagles. We've seen an eagle twice in Lakeview, so we took a VERY long drive yesterday to see if we could get a picture of the eagle. It sorta was boring. I only like bird watching when I'm home in the house. It was a fail. All we found were crows and hawks. Maybe, just maybe, I'll try it again. Mom NEVER gives up. (Sometimes this is not a good thing, cuz I don't like being cramped in a car without my nook.)

On a serious note, this little boy is really sick. This is his Mom's blog. You should read this. We're going to buy some bracelets. We should keep him in our thoughts. I feel sorry for the Mom. Cuz personally, I'd be sad if anybody that I loved died. 


That's all for now.

Stay tuned 'til Monday!



  1. Dear William Tell aunt Jo Happy Birthday. Glad you all had fun bowling. We liked your dance, you sure were moving and grooving. Keep it up. How are you doing on you science project? We haven't seen any eagles either, only crows maybe when the weather warms up they will be around. Love you and Lilly grandma grandpa

    1. Maybe the eagle likes sunny days. Yesterday I built a circuit for my science project. William

  2. Wow William, you have had a busy couple of days. The bowling and birding are great things to do. And a train set, that is awesome. Let me know when you get the train running. Hope next week is as good as this week.
    Love you and Lily...Grandpa

    1. Hi Grandpa! I have to agree with you. Bowling and birding are fun! I can't wait to get the train set up. We have to find a place for it. I hope this week is good too. It's gonna snow again. Poop! William

  3. William, You know what I liked best about Saturday? Everything! I enjoyed spending the day with all of you. Love, Aunt K.

    1. Hi Aunt K - I have to agree with you. Love you!


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